Starring: Chiwetel Ejiofor, Michael Fassbender, Lupita Nyong'o, Sarah Paulson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano and Brad Pitt
Written by: John Ridley
Directed by: Steve McQueen
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns
I can count the films that have left a lasting impression on me. Steve McQueens's 12 Years a Slave is the most powerful film I have ever experienced. I do not use those words lightly. You do not simply watch 12 Years a Slave, it is a film that you experience. It is brutal, intense, incredibly moving and when it is all said and done an extraordinary achievement in film-making.
12 Years a Slave is the remarkable true story of Solomon Northup( Chiwetel Ejofor), a free man who is sold into slavery. You witness the monstrosities that occurred to men like Solomon. You see how slave owners made it their mission to break their slaves. How they had the audacity to justify their actions with the scripture. This film does not sugar- coat the horrors of slavery. It is not easy film to watch but it is essential for the human race to watch this film. You cannot watch 12 Years a Slave without leaving a changed man.
Besides the strong narrative the film is beautifully made. The cinematography is stunning and the score is haunting. Steve McQueen continues to prove himself as one of the strongest and unique voices in film-making. In terms of acting, there is no weak link in this film. All the actors give award winning performances. I will be shocked if Chiwetel Ejofor does not take home the golden statue after this career defining performance. I was incredibly impressed by Lupita Nyong'o performance of Patsey. Her story was one of the saddest tales ever told. There is one scene that involves her being whipped to the inch of death, I am not sure how I got through that scene. She is a talent that everyone will be talking about. I believe she will be nominated for Best Supporting Actress when the Award Season begins.
12 Years a Slave is not only the best film of the year but one of the best films ever made. You will be doing yourself a complete disservice by not watching this film.