Friday, June 29, 2012


Starring: Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Julie Walters, Robbie Coltrane, Craig Ferguson, Kevin McKidd
Director: Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman
Written by: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell, Irene Mecchi
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

Brave is the 13th Pixar produced film and the first to feature a female protagonist. I have to give Pixar props for creating  hands down the most bad ass princess ever written in the history of Disney Princesses. Brave's protagonist is the fabulous Princess Merida( Kelly Macdonald), an unconventional Scottish princess with a gorgeous red mane who prefers to shoot arrows than to find a husband. In this tale we follow the relationship between Princess Merida and her mother Queen Elinor(Emma Thompson), who is determined to groom Merida into a "lady. The tension builds between the two when the disagree about Merida's future. In order to maintain peace amongst the kingdoms Merida is required to marry one of the first born sons of the fellow clan chiefs. Merida is not ready to be wed but her mother believes that is apart of her responsibilities to maintain tradition. On her quest to change her fate, Merida encounters a "wise" woman( Julie Walters) that has a solution to her problem. What follows is a great heart string pulling journey between mother and daughter.

What I loved about Brave was that it was not a typical princess story. This is not girl meets boy type of story but more of a coming of age tale. Princess Merida is a breath of fresh air. The first true feminist to ever be associated with Disney. She doesn't wait for prince charming to rescue her but solves her problems with her skill and wit. Queen Elinor was a force to be reckoned with. Seriously loved that she was the no nonsense parent and was the one who set everything in order. I absolutely adored Merida's three little brothers, they had me giggling throughout the film. I must warn you that by the end of the film expect to shed a few tears. 

There is talk about Brave not being up to par with its fellow Pixar films but I beg to differ. Brave is totally different from other themes that Pixar has tackled in the past. It has the working of an original Disney movie with its own unique spin. It is a funny and heartwarming love story between mother and child. It is not in the league of Finding Nemo or Toy Story 3 but Brave is an absolute joy to watch. Trust me when I say it is worth your money to check it out. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rent or Skip

Rent This: Another Earth

I cannot stress how beautiful this film was. It is not exciting or thrilling but a heartbreaking tale about healing after a tragedy against the backdrop of the recent discovery of another planet the exact replica of Earth. 

Rent This: We Need to Talk About Kevin
This film displays the nature vs. nurture debate brilliantly. Are monsters created or are they born? Tilda Swinton is fabulous in this uneasy drama. 

Rent This: Red State
Terrifying, hilarious and  unexpected. Definitely not a film for those who are easily offended.   

Skip This: Snow White and the Huntsman

I was really looking forward to watching this movie ever since I first saw the trailer. Unfortunately it did not live up to my expectations. It is not terrible but it is not epic either, it's just okay. Charlize Theron was amazing in this film. Kristen Stewart really did hold her own and was believable as the re-imagined Snow White. Chris Hemsworth was fantastic as usual. I suggest you catch it when it is available for rental.