Monday, January 7, 2013

Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases of 2013

Happy New Year! I hope you had an incredible New Year and I hope this year is even better than last year. Below you will find  a list of films that I am most looking forward to. There seems to be a lot of incredible films coming out this year and I can't wait to see them. In the next couple of days I will post The King's Guide: Top Ten Films of 2012.  Until that time please sit back and enjoy the preview for 2013.

  1. Pacific Rim
  2. Star Trek Into Darkness
  3. World War Z
  4. Kick Ass 2
  5. Thor: The Dark World
  6. Gangster's Squad
  7. Iron Man 3
  8. Warm Bodies
  9. This is the End
  10. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

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