Sunday, May 17, 2020

30- Day Film Challenge: Day Nine

  • a film you hate that everyone else liked
Aquaman (2018)

party time GIF
Not really sure how much of a fan favorite this film was. All I know is it did gross over a billion dollars at the global box office. People must have liked it.  I hated Aquaman with the fire of thousand suns.  I wanted to support Jason Momoa since I've been a fan since his Baywatch days. My Lord, that was a dumpster fire mess of a film. It was everything that I hate in blockbuster films. Lazy CGI, more plot holes than a sinking ship, invisible chemistry between two romantic leads and unnecessary fight scenes. Which was so unfortunate since there were so many incredible talents.  There were a few miscasts (cough cough Amber Heard). I did really enjoyed Nicole Kidman's performance though. She was a complete bad ass.  You will never catch me watching another Aquaman. Not even the beauty of Jason Momoa and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II could persuade me. 

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