Monday, May 11, 2020

30 - Day Film Challenge: Day Three

  • A film that has more than five words
Once Upon a Hollywood (2019)

It was actually hard to think of a film that had more than five words in its title. I was first going with O Brother, Where Art Thou? then came to horrifying realization that film does not have more than five words in its title.  There were a handful of sequels that met the criteria that I had not seen.  I realized that one of my favorite films that came at last year met the criteria.

I'm a sucker for movies about film making.  In many ways, Once was a love letter to cinema.  The mise en scene in Cliff's trailer was sublime. This film was not for everyone and I was shocked it did so well at the box office. I for one, loved every single frame of the film. 
once upon a time in hollywood trailer GIF

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