Monday, December 31, 2012

Django Unchained

Starring: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson and Kerry Washington
Directed and Written by: Quentin Tarantino
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

Set in the South two years before The Civil War, Django Unchained follows the story of a slave( Jamie Foxx) turned bounty hunter who is determine to rescue his wife Broomhilda( Kerry Washington) from the "Candyland" plantation owned by the notorious Calvin Candie( Leonardo DiCaprio). Christoph Waltz portrays the role of Dr. King Schultz the German- born bounty hunter who trains Django.

When I first learned about Django Unchained it was during the "in development" stages on IMDB pro. I watched as they went through a few casting changes and i gave a sigh of relief once it began filming. After three years of anticipation, Django Unchained was everything I dreamt it could be. It was an intense action packed thrill of a ride. There were a few moments that I had to cover my eyes because they were horrifically graphic. Those moments set the tone for the kind of world Django was living in.

Like previous Tarantino efforts the score for Django Unchained was magnificent. My favorite segment was when the theme song for Battle Royale came on. Overall this film was an extremely well written and directed film. Quentin Tarantino is just the man. There were moments you were laughing hysterically,  few WTF moments and tons of gore.

If you an actor, you will appreciate the performances in this film. I have not seen Leonardo DiCaprio portray a character quite like Calvin Candie before. He was an absolute beast, I think this could be his year come award season. Christoph Waltz was incredible as usual. It was a trip to see Samuel L. Jackson as Stephen, the trusted house slave to Master Calvin. I wanted to punch him so hard. His scenes with Leonardo were hilarious. Their banter was impeccable. Django Unchained was in my humble opinion the best film of the year 2012.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Best Picture Frontrunners

Thanks to several critic awards and the announcement of both the Golden Globes and SAG Awards nominations, clear front-runners have emerged for the 2012 Oscar race. Leading the pack is the controversial  Zero Dark Thirty. Following close behind it are the critical acclaimed Lincoln and Argo. I believe that one of these three films will win the Best Picture trophy at this years' Oscars. They are too far ahead of the competition not to have it in the bag. You never know which way the academy will vote, they could go with Les Miserables. I am predicting that this year we will have ten Best Picture nominations because of the caliber of films that came out this year. I have composed a list of clear front-runners, most likely candidates and films that have a longer shot of receiving a nomination. This year the nominations will announced on January 10 before the Golden Globes air. I will make a revised list of my final Best Picture predictions.

  • Zero Dark Thirty
  • Lincoln
  • Argo
  • Les Miserables
  • Life of Pi
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Django Unchained
  • Beasts of the Southern Wild
Most Likely
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • The Master
  • Amour
Longer shots
  • Flight
  • Dark Knight Rises
  • Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Monday, December 24, 2012

Anna Karenina

Starring: Keira Knightley, Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Directed by: Joe Wright
Written by: Tom Stoppard
Rating: 3.5/5 Unicorns

Joe Wright's Anna Karenina is the bold retelling of the classic Leo Tolstoy tale. Set in the late 19th century, the Russian aristocrat Anna Karenina( Keira Knightley) enters a life altering affair with Count Vronsky( Aaron Taylor Johnson). Jude Law plays the role of Karenin, her long suffering husband.

I have not quite seen a drama quite like Anna Karenina. It was as elaborate as a musical, choreographed as if it was a ballet and as theatrical as a opera. Many ways Joe Wright's Anna Karenina felt more like a play than a motion picture. It was filmed as a continuous play and I felt that this direction choice was unique. If  anything the art direction and costume design in this film was absolutely spectacular.  By the time the Academy Awards nominations are announced I expect that Anna Karenina will pick up nominations in these two categories. At first I was hesitant about the idea of Aaron Taylor Johnson playing the part of Count Vronsky. I was thoroughly impressed with his performance but not so much impressed with his mustache. I felt that the chemistry between him and Keira Knightley was believable. It was not scorching but I was convinced that they cared for one another.  I am certain this film will not play well with everyone but if you like to watch films that are visually stimulating Anna Karenina is a great choice.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life of Pi

Starring: Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan, Rafe Spall, Adil Hussain, Tabu and Gerard Deparadieu
Directed by: Ang Lee
Written by: David Magee
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

Based on the best selling novel written by Yann Martel, Life of Pi tells the remarkable survival story of Pi Patel( Suraj Sharma). After surviving a fatal shipwreck, Pi finds himself on a lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with 450 pound Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. 

The first time I watched the trailer for Life of Pi it immediately was on top of my must see list. Now that we are in Award Season, I have been hearing more praise for the film. It has been picking up nominations left and right. After watching the film over the weekend it lived up to all of my expectations. Life of Pi was the most visually stimulating film I have seen since Avatar. The cinematography in this film was simply out of this world. Its cinematography alone is a great reason to check out this film. Not to mention the visual effects were astounding. I had several awe moments while watching this film. I highly recommend that you catch it in 3D if you can. It is one of the few films that were made for 3D purposes and not converted to 3D better for revenue at the box office. 

Life of Pi is more than its cinematography and visual effects, it is also great story to watch. Ang Lee did a fantastic job bringing this much loved story to life. I was thoroughly impressed with Suraj Sharma who I felt keep the audiences thoroughly engaged with his portrayal as Pi. He is a bright future ahead of him. Not too many actors can do what he did in this film. The score of the film was fantastic as well. It made the significant moments in the film even more powerful. What I loved about the film is that it makes you think about life and yourself. It makes you think about your destiny and how much you can endure. It really boils down to being a  film about faith. You are left wondering what story to believe. Personally I have always believed in the stories that were inconceivable. How they used to say it in the 90's, this movie is deep son. 

Since the majority of the film takes place on a lifeboat its running time feels longer than it actually is. I have seen several movies that were longer than Life of Pi but because there was so much going on I did not feel the duration. The reason I did not deduct points from the rating is because the film was just beautiful. The more I thought about the film, the more I loved it. It leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. In fact I look forward to watching the film for a second time. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Moonrise Kingdom

Starring: Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, Bruce Willis, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Jason Schwartzman and Tilda Swinton
Directed by: Wes Anderson
Written by: Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola
Rating: 4/5 Unicorns

Two twelve years old( Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward) fall in love and run away as a violent storm approaches the tiny island. A various authorities including the local sheriff(Bruce Willis), Khaki Scout Leader(Edward Norton) and the girls lawyer parents (Bill Murray and Frances McDormand) try to track them down.

Moonrise Kingdom was one of the most original films I have seen in a longtime. I have not quite seen anything like it before. It was quirky, whimsical and endearing comedy. It  had one of the best narratives I have seen all year. The screenplay is fantastic and I truly believe Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola are the frontrunners for Best Original Screenplay. Wes Anderson directing style is purely unique in this film. I was fascinated by his directing choices. There would be a scene that at first I thought I didn't like then two seconds later I was completely enamored with it. It takes awhile to digest. The acting ensemble is out of this world. Two young leads are absolutely fantastic. They bring the innocence and intensity of first love to the screen brilliantly.

Moonrise Kingdom is not a film for everybody. The humor in the film is offbeat and the characters are quite eccentric. I admit that it is not my cup of tea but I recognize it as being a great film. It really is a rare gem of a film and I appreciate that. I think it is one of Wes Anderson's  best pictures. Once award season is over this film will be thoroughly decorated.

Silver Linings Playbook

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, Jackie Weaver, Chris Tucker, Julia Stiles, John Ortiz, Shea Whigham and Anupam Kher
Directed and Written by: David O. Russell
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

After seeing his wife in the shower with another man Pat Solatano( Bradley Cooper) has a mental breakdown. It turns out that he has been suffering from bipolar disorder. As part of a plea bargain he spends eight months in a Baltimore mental institution and his wife receives a restraining order against him. He returns home to live with his Eagles loving father(Robert De Niro) and his devoted mother( Jackie Weaver). Pat is convinced that if he rebuilds his life that his wife will come back to him. He meets Tiffany( Jennifer Lawrence), a recent young widow who gives him much needed direction.

Silver Linings Playbook was spectacular. I absolutely loved this movie from start to finish. The entire cast gives tremendous performances. I have to say I was thoroughly impressed by Bradley Cooper's portrayal of Pat Solatano. It shows what can happen when an actor is given great material to work with. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be recognized for this groundbreaking performance. His chemistry with Jennifer Lawrence was explosive which was quite fitting for their characters. Jennifer Lawrence once again delivers a strong performance. She commands the screen, you can't keep your eyes off her. This girl will be going places, sometimes I forget she is 22 years old. She holds her own against the fabulous Robert De Niro and Jackie Weaver, which is difficult to do because both of them are so incredible in this film. Robert De Niro is on top of his game in his portrayal of a father who is struggling to form a connection with his son. You see the levels of guilt, hope and frustration he has with his son's situation.  The scene when he opens up to Pat was just beautiful. It was brilliant seeing Chris Tucker on the screen again. Overall one of the best acting ensembles this year.

What I love so much about this movie is one second you are laughing your butt off and the next you are wiping tears from your eyes. The change of emotion that can occur in one single scene is unprecedented  Somehow David O. Russel makes it work. It is a smart, funny, extremely well written  and charming film. Make sure you check out this film, I thoroughly recommend that you do.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Race Begins

Now that the Thanksgiving festivities have drawn to a close, the race has officially began for the 2013 Award Season. If you go to any official film website, you will see several For Your Consideration ads. No one is more excited about award season than your own personal amateur film critic.As usual I am a little behind on viewing Oscar contenders but it is my goal to view as many films before the reveal of the  Oscar nominations. Brace yourself for several reviews coming in the next two months.

Several Oscar hopefuls made their way to multiplexes over the long weekend. Giving them plenty of time to be screened for the academy. Life of Pi is performing better than expected and Silver Linings Playbook has been enjoying a good expansion. Both films have received the all important stamped of  approval by critics and it appears that the audiences are warm to them as well. Much to my delight Flight is showing strong legs at the Box office and the Oscar favorite Lincoln is doing spectacular at the box office as well.

 Over the weekend the highly anticipated Les Miserables was screened for the first time in New York City. The response was electric. Audience members gave the film a standing ovation and there were tears all around. The film has officially become a Frontrunner for  Best Picture and Anne Hathaway has officially entered the race as the Frontrunner for Best Supporting Actress. Prior to the screening over the weekend Lincoln, Argo and The Silver Linings Playbook were the Frontrunners. I have a funny feeling that this Award season will be as eventful as ever. Make sure you keep your eyes open for my upcoming posts because there will be tons of Oscar goodies coming your way.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Starring: Denzel Washington, Bruce Greenwood, Kelly Reilly, Don Cheadle, John Goodman, Tamara Tunie and Melissa Leo
Written by: John Gatins
Directed by: Robert Zemeckis
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

It is still very early on in the Oscar race but I have a sneaking suspicion that Denzel Washington will get a nomination for Flight, his performance was a real tour de force. I was not prepared to be knocked out of my seat by his performance but he was riveting. That is how you carry a film. Hands down one of his best performances in his career and the best performance by an actor I have seen all year. It  is still early on in the race but Denzel cannot be unrecognized for this phenomenal performance.

Flight follows the investigation into the miraculous landing of a flight  that was piloted by Whip Whitaker ( Denzel Washington), an alcoholic and cocaine addict. The impending plane crash in the beginning of film was terrifying. I want to point out that this is not an action flick but a character driven work of art. I cannot recall witnessing such a raw character as Whip Whitaker. He was so flawed but you felt deeply for him. You wanted him to make it and that is what is so incredible about this film. You go on this insane journey with him as he battles his personal demons. The movie is deep but at the same time hilarious a lot like life. John Goodman is hysterical in this film and Bruce Greenwood continues to be one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. The scenes he had with Denzel and Don Cheadle were just perfection. I strongly recommend that you check out Flight. It will be a film that you will be talking about for days maybe even months.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Oscar Watch: Best Picture

Any film enthusiast knows the autumn is the beginning of award season. This is the time when the studios releases Academy Award hopefuls. Coming to a cinema near you are three films that I cannot wait to digest  These films are all early contenders for the Best Picture trophy at this year's Oscars. When the ceremony takes place we will see if these films make the final cut.

1.Life of Pi

2.Silver Linings Playbook

  3.Anna Karenina

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Horror Fest: Cabin in the Woods

Halloween is just around the corner which means it is the perfect time for crazy costumes, endless supply of candy and a good scare fest. Over the course of the month I will be listing my personal favorite Halloween flicks. To get this party started here is my first Halloween pick.

 Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Jesse Williams, Kristen Connolly, Fran Kranz, Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford
Directed by: Drew Goddard
Written by: Drew Goddard and Joss Whedon
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

Cabin in The Woods is about five friends who decided to spend a weekend at a remote cabin. Unbeknownst  to them they have been chosen to partake in sick game by an ancient organization watching their every move.

If you are in a mood for sick and twisted thrill ride I suggest you check out Cabin in The Woods. I was not expecting to like Cabin in the Woods as much as I did. It was a pleasant surprise. If you are a horror fan, you will be impressed with this clever take on this popular genre. It was unique, campy and hilarious. I did not anticipate the ending and I love that when I watch a film. It leaves you on the edge of your seat and when it is over you are completely satisfied. I absolutely adored this movie and it has secured a spot on my top Halloween films. Honestly what do you expect when the legendary Joss Whedon is the screenwriter.

Monday, October 8, 2012

My Picks of the Week

This past week I have had the privilege of seeing two great movies. One was a feel good comedy and the other was a cinematic masterpiece. My picks of the week are Pitch Perfect and A Separation.

Pitch Perfect

Starring: Anna Kendrick, Skylar Astin, Brittany Snow, Anna Camp, Rebel Wilson, Alexis Knapp, Ester Dean and Hana Mae Lee
Director: Jason Moore
Writers: Kay Cannon
Ratings: 4/5 Unicorns

Beca(Anna Kendrick) is an aspiring DJ  who joins the Barden Bellas- the collegiate all-girls acapella group. They are training to beat the reigning champions Treble Makers in the national acapella contest. The Bellas are consisted of some interesting characters. Lily( Hana Mae Lee) and Fat Amy( Rebel Wilson) will have you in hysterics. My love for Rebel Wilson knows no bounds. I have been a fan of hers ever since her scene stealing performance in Bridesmaids. After this movie, you will be hearing a lot more about Rebel. I found Pitch Perfect to be refreshing and hilarious.  The acapella routines left me giddy with joy especially the Treble Makers. The reason I did not give this film a perfect score was because of the character Cynthia Rose (Ester Dean). Since when has homophobia been a punch line? I just wished that they had made her character fully rounded. I thought Ester Dean did give a stellar performance. Aside from this mishap this film is one rocking good time. 

A Separation

Starring: Peyman Moadi, Leila Hatami, Sareh Bayat and Sarina Farhadi
Written and Directed by: Asghar Farhadi
Ratings: 5/5 Unicorns

I am not exaggerating when I state that A Separation is a cinematic masterpiece. Hands down the best film that came out last year and one of the best films of the 21st century. Throughout the film I just wanted to know the truth. I was completely breathless. The acting in this film was top notch. No wonder this film took the Best Foreign Film at this years Oscars. Outstanding! This is a movie that is a must see. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Artist

Starring: Jean Dujardin, Berenice Bejo, John Cromwell, Missi Pyle, and John Goodman
Director: Michel Hazanavicius
Written By:Michel Hazanavicius
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

If I was to sum up The Artist in one word it would be formidable. Yes it was that good that I broke out in French. The Artist was a love poem set in motion to the silent film era.  Not only did the film illustrate the glitz and glamour of Hollywood during this glorious era but the heartbreak that the industry can bring as well. Jean Dujardin portrays George Valentin, a successful silent film actor. He is in a strained relationship with his unhappy wife when he bumps into Peppy Miller( Berenice Bejo), an inspiring actress. The two are immediately drawn to each other. When the "talkies" become the craze in Hollywood and Peppy Miller becomes the it girl, Valentin fights to leave his mark in the industry.

The Artist is not a film for everyone. Not everyone would find the beauty in its style. Honestly, some people may have a problem that the film is a silent film. I would argue that the film is wonderfully put together. The score was magnificent, dance sequences had me beaming from ear to ear, Jean Dujardin was completely mesmerizing. Not only did it deserve all of its recognition, the film truly was the best picture of the year.

For all of my rave review, you must be wondering why I did not give The Artist a perfect rating. My reasoning is that at one time in the film, I got bored. They lost my attention for about five to ten minutes. Besides that mishaps I found The Artist to be incredible. I will be become a classic that film lovers will not only study but treasure.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

3 in 1: Top Three Picks

1. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
I absolutely adored the first installment in the Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes series. I was not too sure what to expect in the sequel. The verdict is in and A Game of Shadows is a hit. There was a lot of subtext in the first film, this film was full on text and I was in heaven. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law deliver in this hilarious thrill ride. You really have to have incredible chemistry to portray a love/hate relationship to perfection. Their interactions will leave you in stiches. The film is worth watching to see Holmes arguing about the unnaturalness of riding a horse. He opts for a pony instead. It is a ridiculous scenario but still believable at the same time. Noomi Rapace is a fantastic addition to the franchise.  Overall this sequel is a must see.
2. Warrior
I really thought that I had written about Warrior before but I came to the sad realization that is not the case. Warrior is one of those gems that runs away with your heart. Warrior is set against the backdrop of the violent mixed martial arts combat competition. This film follows two estranged brothers preparation for the competition. Nick Nolte may have been nominated for an an Academy Award but Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton give outstanding performances. You find yourself rooting for these two completely different characters. You want them to make it to the end but you know only one will win the championship. What an emotional roller coaster, not on the masochistic level as War Horse but  so heart wrenching.

3. Billy Elliot

Love is not a strong enough word to describe how I feel about Billy Elliot. What a beautiful masterpiece. Hands down one of the best films ever made. Until this day I get misty-eyed watching the final scene. Some people may dream about their sons being a Football player, I dream about having my own Billy Elliot.  I dream of crying as my son does a perfect pirouette. I was fortunate to watch the Australian  play production of Billy Elliot. It only added to my love for the film, that it was able to translate beautifully onto stage. If you have yet to watch Billy Elliot, make sure that you do. If you have watched it before, there is no harm in watching it again.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Rundown: Summer 2012

For my American readers I hope you had an incredible Labor Day Weekend. For my readers in Europe, I hope you had a wonderful weekend as well. Now that we are in the first week of September, summer is  officially over. Lets all take a deep breath to process that set of information.  I could go into detail about my love for the changing leaves, pumpkin spice lattes and apple cider but this is not the time for that. Instead I am going to give a rundown of what was hot and what flopped at the box office this summer.

In my Summer Movie Preview post, I predicted that three biggest films of the summer would be The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-man. I must have been looking into the crystal ball because I was right on target with that one. I admit that it would not take a genius to figure that information out. The success of the first blockbuster of the summer The Avengers was surreal. I was excited about the film but I did not think it would draw the crowds it did. The upcoming sequels in the Marvel franchise will get a huge boost from the success of The Avengers.  In the wake of the success of The Avengers, many films failed to deliver huge audience turnout (specifically Battleship and Dark Shadows). Not until The Dark Knight Rises did we have our second bona fide blockbuster. What I did not see in my crystal ball was the runaway hit that Ted was. It was the fifth biggest hit of the summer. I believe that it found success because moviegoers were looking for a good laugh this summer. I admit when Ted came to life I was in complete ROFL mode.

Animated films continue to dominate at the box office. The biggest animated hit was Brave which was followed by Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted. Madagascar did something that is rare, it grossed more money than it predecessors. It can be debated that Ice Age: Continental Drift was a disappoint because it was the lowest grossing film in the franchise. However, Ice Age was on the biggest films overseas. It will also do really well on DVD and Blu-Ray. Several independent films saw success at the box office this summer as well. There was The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel(BEMH), Moonrise Kingdom, Beasts of the Southern Wild and The Intouchables to name a few. I still have not seen Beasts and BEMH but they are still high on my list. It warms my heart when independent films do well at the box office.

It seemed that the reboots were a hit and miss this summer. The Amazing Spider-man did do well but it still was not in the league of the Sam Raimi vehicle. The Bourne Legacy was off to a good start but I don't see this reboot going any further. In the long run it lacked the legs that the previous films had. Then there were those reboots like  the Total Recall that completely crashed and burned at the box office. Besides reboots it seems that ensemble pieces were having a hard time finding an audience. Rock of Ages and What to Expect When You're Expecting were pretty much duds at the box office. Even The Expendables 2 did not live up to the hype. Studios have to remember that the movie has got to be good. If you throw eye candy at us it won't distract us from a bad story unless the movie is Magic Mike. Just kidding Magic Mike was not a bad film but it was an ensemble film done right.

Will Smith proved that he still a movie star. I know you could argue that MIB 3 under-performed at the American Box Office but not only was the film the seventh highest grossing film of the summer but out-grossed it predecessors at the international box office.  Scandal aside Snow White and The Huntsman proved that audiences loved the idea of darker take on the fairy tale. Charlize Theron had another hit with Prometheus.

It would have been interesting to see how the GI Joe sequel would have done this summer but its release date was pushed to next year. Since 2012 is the year of Channing Tatum, I am pretty certain the movie would have been another success story for him. Now we will have to see how 10 Years does well this fall.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

King's Guide:Fall Movie Preview

If you have been wondering what films will be released this fall, you stopped at the right place. I have composed a list of films that will be making their way to a cinema near you. Keep in mind these release dates are limited to the US only. If the film is a wide release for example Breaking Dawn, there is a good chance that it will be playing in your country as well. What films are you most looking forward to? The films that I am most looking forward to are in red.


  • The Words
  • Bachelorette- Limited Release
  • 10 Years- Limited Release
    • Can this year be the year of Channing Tatum? We will see with this release.
  • Finding Nemo 3D
    • Is it bad that I would go see this movie again? 
  • Resident Evil: Retribution
  • The Master- Limited Release
  • Dredd 3D
  • End of Watch
  • House at the End of the Street
    • Jennifer Lawrence stars in this thriller about a mother and daughter who move in next door to a house where a young girl murdered her parents.
  • Trouble with the Curve
    • Clint Eastwood stars as a baseball scout in his first film since Gran Torino. This film as stars Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake
  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower- Limited Release
    • The trailer looks wonderful for this film. I have a feeling that I would absolutely love this film.
  • Hotel Transylvania
  • Looper
    • Joseph Gordon Levitt stars as a killer for a future mob that is assigned to kill his future self( Bruce Willis) 
  • Won't Back Down
  • Frakenweenie
  • Pitch Perfect
  • Taken 2
  • The Paperboy- Limited Release
    • Directed by Lee Daniels( Precious) and starring Zac Efron, Nicole Kidman and John Cusack 
  • Argo
    • Based on a true story of the operation to rescue six Americans during the Iranian revolution in 1979 It is directed by Ben Affleck( The Town, Gone Baby Gone)
  • Seven Psychopaths
  • Alex Cross
  • Killing Them Softly
  • Paranormal Activity 4
  • Cloud Atlas
  • The Big Wedding
  • Flight
    • Denzel Washington returns to the screens in this Robert Zemeckis( Forrest Gump) vehicle. 
  • Wreck-It Ralph
  • Skyfall
  • Lincoln- Limited Release
  • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II
    • The Twilight Saga comes to an end, twihards are in agony while film lovers rejoice
  • Anna Karenina- Limited Release
    • Directed by Joe Wright( Atonement, Pride & Prejudice) and starring Keira Knightley in the titled role. 
  • Life of Pi
    • Based on the Best selling novel and directed by the Academy Award winning Ang Lee( Brokeback Mountain) 
  • Red Dawn
  • Rise of the Guardians
  • The Silver Linings Playbook
  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
    • Peter Jackson returns for the prequel to the Lord of  Rings trilogy. 
  • Les Miserables
  • Zero Dark Thirty
  • This is 40
    • Quasi sequel to Knocked Up
  • Jack Reacher
  • Django Unchained
    • Been waiting for this film for two years now. I know that Quentin Tarantino will not disappoint

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Starring: Christian Bale, Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Anne Hathaway, Marion Cotillard, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine
Director: Christopher Nolan
Written By: Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

The Dark Knight Rises is the conclusion to the epic Batman trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan. It takes place eight years after The Dark Knight. During those eight years Gotham City has not experienced any particular threat. That is all changed when Bane( Tom Hardy) enters the city with a mindset to destroy Gotham City. Batman( Christian Bale) must defend the city that has branded him a villain.

The Dark Knight Rises was not only one of the most anticipated films of the summer but of the most anticipated movies of the whole year. If it was not for The Avengers and The Hobbit it would be the film I was most looking forward to this year. I will be the first to admit that after watching The Avengers earlier this summer, many films failed to live up to my expectations. I was itching for a film that would entertain me at that level. Thankfully, The Dark Knight Rises filled the void for me. Unfortunately,  TDKR was overshadowed by tragedy. During the midnight showing of TDKR a man opened fire to an unsuspecting crowd. On my other blog I have written a post about my feelings of the tragedy.

You might be wondering why I have not given the TDKR a perfect score. I will tell you that I felt it was too long. There were some elements of the film that I felt dragged on. That does not mean that I did not like the film, I did. I honestly thought it was better than The Dark Knight. Tom Hardy was fantastic as Bane, his performance was bone chilling. Joseph Gordon-Levitt continues to slay me with his impeccable performances. He played the role of John Blake who was another hero of the film. I won't give it away but the ending for John Blake had me fangirling. Anne Hathaway had a career turn with Catwoman. I knew that she had it in her but it was still great to see it with my own eyes. There were twists and turns, a fantastic score by the legendary Hans Zimmer, the return of all the Batman Begins villains and directed by legend in his own right Christopher Nolan. If that is not a reason to check it out, I don't know what else to say.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Battle Royale

Starring: Tatsuya Fujiwara, Aki Maeda, Taro Yamamoto Takeshi Kitano, Chiaki Kuriyama, Ko Shibasaki, Masanobu Ando
Director: Kinji Fukasaku
Written By: Kenta Fukasaku
Rating: 5/5 unicorns

42 ninth grade students wake up on a deserted island with a mysterious device on their necks. They are told that they have been selected to compete in the Battle Royale. The rule of the game is the participants have three days to kill each other until there is only one survivor. If they fail to do so their device will be activated and all of them will die. The students are each equipped with a bag that holds a weapon, map and rations of food and water.

I will be the first to admit that I had never heard about  Battle Royale before this past spring. I was voicing my disappointments after  finally seeing The Hunger Games(THG) with one of my friends. I was complaining about how THG failed to live up to the book. He mentioned that The Hunger Games was pretty much a rip off of Battle Royale. I did a little research and I found out that Battle Royale is a Japanese film that came out 12 years ago. It is based on a novel by the same name that came out in 1999. When Netflix matched me with the film a few weeks ago,  I decided to add Battle Royale to my queue. I finally watched the movie over the weekend and I have only one word to describe it, WOW!

Battle Royale is hands down the most intense and frightening film I have ever seen. At the same time there is a lot of humor as well. I can understand completely why it is a cult classic. It felt more like Lord of the Flies meets Clockwork Orange meets Kill Bill than a superior version of The Hunger Games.You really see the grotesqueness of these classmates killing each other. It is not watered down so it is easy to digest but graphic and unsettling. The film is a beautiful portrayal of survival and friendship. Interestingly these two elements are codependent and conflicting from each other. It was fascinating to see how friendships were formed and dissolved under these circumstances. What made this film so horrifying for me is that it is something that could totally happen now. It asks some tough questions and illustrates the complexities of human nature. There are individuals who are natural born killers, others that are self sacrificing and few that refuse to play the game at all. I would recommend this film for anyone who is interested in having a twisted thrill ride.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Movie Buzz

Hunger Games: Catching Fire
It seems that every week there is another casting announcement for the highly anticipated Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It has already been confirmed that Jena Malone has been cast as Johanna Mason and Phillip Seymor Hoffman has been cast as Plutarch Heavensbee. Now there are rumors swirling that the casting directors have decided on Sam Claflin to play the coveted role of Finnick Odair. Sam Clafin was recently seen in Snow White and the Hunstman. Personally,  when I was reading Catching Fire I always imagined a Garrett Hedlund type playing Finnick. I am sure that if Sam was offered the part, he will be amazing in the role. Earlier today it was confirmed that Amanda Plummer has been cast in the role of Wiress. After much thought I believe that she will be perfect in the role. The are rumors spreading that Tony Shalhoub is in the mix to play Beetee. That will be the best casting decision in the entire Hunger Game franchise. Perfect is not even a good word to describe him playing Beetee maybe flawless. Melissa Leo is also in the mix to play Mags. I always imagined Mags as being played by someone older but Melissa Leo is fantastic. 
It is official, there will be a Finding Nemo sequel. I have been waiting for this news since 2003. I never thought it would happen and I am so excited that this is finally happening. There is a strong possibility that there will be a Toy Story 4. Next year the prequel to Monsters INC, Monsters University will make it way to the movie screens. 

Quick Box Office Report
In the midst of bombs and mishaps Ted is turning out to be the surprise hit of the summer. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom are the indie darlings of the year.  It is looking that Beasts of the Southern Wild will be joining their company. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

War Horse

Starring: Jeremy Irvine, Peter Mullan, Emily Watson, David Thewlis, Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Kross, Niels Arestrup
Director: Steven Spielberg
Written by: Lee Hall and Richard Curtis
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

War Horse is based on the children novel by Michael Morpurgo which was later adapted successfully to stage. War Horse is set during the First World War I and begins with the beautiful friendship between a horse named Joey and Albert Narracot( Jeremy Irvine), the young boy who raises and trains Joey. When Albert's Father(Peter Mullan) sells Joey to the British Calvary in order to maintain their farm, the film follows the remarkable journey of Joey and all those whom come in contact with him during the war. 

War Horse was one of the films that came out last year that I really wanted to see. It was a film that I knew would not be good for me to watch around people. I once made the mistake of watching Tsotsi on the airplane, I do apologize to the people around me. I am sure I sounded like a drowning cat trying to muffle my cries. From the trailers of War Horse I was already getting misty eyed, so I knew this was no film to watch at the cinema. I am going to breakdown the emotions that come with watching War Horse. Once the movie begins  you will find yourself  in love with Joey and the relationship he establishes with Albert. When it was time for Joey to ploy the land, my cheeks were stained. By the quarter mark of the film you will be crying under a table with a bottle of wine. By the middle of the film, full on sobbing in shower mode. By the time the movie ends, you will find yourself crawled up in fetal position not being able to cope with all the emotions you are feeling. It was an emotional marathon trying to get through War Horse. I am not trying to discourage you from seeing War Horse, it was one of the most breathtaking films I have seen in recent memory. The cinematography in War Horse was spellbinding and the art direction was spectacular. The score was enchanting and acting was superb. This film had classic Spielberg feel which I absolutely adored.

A good bonus about War Horse is the wonderful Tom Hiddleston, who is absolutely lovely as Captain Nicholls. I think I actually clapped when he came on screen. Am I turning into a fangirl? I think he already has too many of them without me putting myself onto the list. Captain Nicholls is the man the Narracots sell Joey to. He promises to take special care of him. I won't delve much more because one of his last scenes had me crying under a table with a bottle of wine. Benedict Cumberbatch played the Major Jamie Stewart in the same division as Captain Nicholls. It was out of the world seeing them as screen partners. The great thing  about Major Jamie Stewart is that he had a horse named Topthorn who becomes Joey's big brother. I will not talk much more about Topthorn because when I do I find myself crawling on the floor. My final verdict on War Horse is a film not to be missed. Just remember to bring a box of tissues with you. You have to be emotionally prepared to handle the beast of emotions that come flying out you.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Starring: Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Julie Walters, Robbie Coltrane, Craig Ferguson, Kevin McKidd
Director: Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman
Written by: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman, Steve Purcell, Irene Mecchi
Rating: 4.5/5 Unicorns

Brave is the 13th Pixar produced film and the first to feature a female protagonist. I have to give Pixar props for creating  hands down the most bad ass princess ever written in the history of Disney Princesses. Brave's protagonist is the fabulous Princess Merida( Kelly Macdonald), an unconventional Scottish princess with a gorgeous red mane who prefers to shoot arrows than to find a husband. In this tale we follow the relationship between Princess Merida and her mother Queen Elinor(Emma Thompson), who is determined to groom Merida into a "lady. The tension builds between the two when the disagree about Merida's future. In order to maintain peace amongst the kingdoms Merida is required to marry one of the first born sons of the fellow clan chiefs. Merida is not ready to be wed but her mother believes that is apart of her responsibilities to maintain tradition. On her quest to change her fate, Merida encounters a "wise" woman( Julie Walters) that has a solution to her problem. What follows is a great heart string pulling journey between mother and daughter.

What I loved about Brave was that it was not a typical princess story. This is not girl meets boy type of story but more of a coming of age tale. Princess Merida is a breath of fresh air. The first true feminist to ever be associated with Disney. She doesn't wait for prince charming to rescue her but solves her problems with her skill and wit. Queen Elinor was a force to be reckoned with. Seriously loved that she was the no nonsense parent and was the one who set everything in order. I absolutely adored Merida's three little brothers, they had me giggling throughout the film. I must warn you that by the end of the film expect to shed a few tears. 

There is talk about Brave not being up to par with its fellow Pixar films but I beg to differ. Brave is totally different from other themes that Pixar has tackled in the past. It has the working of an original Disney movie with its own unique spin. It is a funny and heartwarming love story between mother and child. It is not in the league of Finding Nemo or Toy Story 3 but Brave is an absolute joy to watch. Trust me when I say it is worth your money to check it out. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rent or Skip

Rent This: Another Earth

I cannot stress how beautiful this film was. It is not exciting or thrilling but a heartbreaking tale about healing after a tragedy against the backdrop of the recent discovery of another planet the exact replica of Earth. 

Rent This: We Need to Talk About Kevin
This film displays the nature vs. nurture debate brilliantly. Are monsters created or are they born? Tilda Swinton is fabulous in this uneasy drama. 

Rent This: Red State
Terrifying, hilarious and  unexpected. Definitely not a film for those who are easily offended.   

Skip This: Snow White and the Huntsman

I was really looking forward to watching this movie ever since I first saw the trailer. Unfortunately it did not live up to my expectations. It is not terrible but it is not epic either, it's just okay. Charlize Theron was amazing in this film. Kristen Stewart really did hold her own and was believable as the re-imagined Snow White. Chris Hemsworth was fantastic as usual. I suggest you catch it when it is available for rental.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Beasts Of The Southern Wild Trailer

Here is the trailer for the highly anticipated Grand Jury Prize Winning (Sundance Film Festival) and Official Selection: Un Certain Regard (Festival De Cannes) film Beasts of The Southern Wild. The cinematography of this film looks mesmerizing and the trailer left me speechless. Definitely an early contender for the Oscars next year. Here is the website for the film

Sunday, May 6, 2012

King's Guide: Summer Movie Preview

We are in May which is  the beginning of the Summer Movie Season. This is the trickiest time of the year for studio executives. This is the time when the studios release super expensive summer blockbusters that they hope won't bust. This year will see an unprecedented number of prequels, sequels and reboots. Some of the films released this summer will flop, others will be disappointments and a rare few will be box office surprises. After having  a disappointing month(April) at the box office, the Summer 2012 season is more than welcome. Wrath of The Titans and American Reunion both under performed. Not to mention of slew of lackluster releases as well. One of the highlights last month was Think Like A Man. Talk about exceeding expectations. Leading up to the Summer Movie Season, The Hunger Games and Dr. Seuss' The Lorax were the two biggest films of the year and both of them were box office smashes.  

I predict that  the three biggest films of the summer will be The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises and The Amazing Spider-Man. Now with the numbers coming out that The Avengers topped $200 million this weekend in the US box office, it is already a bigger hit than the people in the industry predicted. It will be interesting to see if The Dark Knight Rises has a bigger opening weekend. I am curious to see how Battleship fares at the US Box office. I know that is doing well oversees but I am not sure if it will be successful here. I don't necessarily think it will bomb but I am not sure about its performance. Overall I think that fair number of films will be successful this summer. Below I have composed a list of films that will be released Summer 2012.


  • The Avengers
  • The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel( Limited Release)
  • Dark Shadows
  • Battleship
  • The Dictator
    • Hopefully this will perform more like Borat than Bruno
  • What to Expect When You Are Expecting
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • Men in Black III
    • Will the public still be interested in seeing the men in black suit up one more time? Is Will Smith still the most bankable actor? I think the audience will come and Will Smith is still Will Smith. 


  • Brave
  • Snow White and the Huntsman
  • Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
  • Prometheus
    • I am so excited about this film I have lost the ability to think. Now the question is will this film have massive appeal? 
  • Rock of Ages
  • G.I. Joe: Retaliation
    • Can The Rock and Bruce Willis revive this franchise? Looking at the trailer I think that is a strong possibility. 
  • Magic Mike
    • This movie will be the test to see if Channing Tatum is a true box office draw. He has been on fire this year with The Vow and 21 Jump Street. It opens the same day as his other vehicle G.I. Joe which means it has no chance at opening first at the box office. With the amount of eye candy in this film I don't see why it will have a problem getting an audience. 
  • Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection
  • Ted
  • Beasts of the Southern Wild( Limited Release)


  • The Amazing Spider-Man
  • Ice Age: Continental Drift
  • The Dark Knight Rises
  • The Watch
  • Savages


  • Total Recall
  • The Bourne Legacy
    • The reboot starring the fabulous Jeremy Renner
  • The Expendables 2
  • Sparkle
  • Premium Rush

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Avengers

Starring: Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Ruffalo, and Tom Hiddleston
Director: Joss Whedon
Written by: Joss Whedon, Zak Penn
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

What happens when the Avengers assemble? One hell of a ride! The ultimate popcorn movie, what going to the movies is all about and the impeccable wet dream of fanboys and fangirls across the globe. That is exactly what happens when all of our favorite superheros and S.H.I.E.L.D join forces to defend the earth from Norse God Loki( played brilliantly by Tom Hiddleston) and the Chitauri( an alien race seeking to conquer the galaxy). The Avengers is the first blockbuster of the summer and based on the audience reaction this film will not only have a huge opening weekend but will  have some mighty strong  legs.

The Avengers not only lived up to all of my expectations but absolutely smashed them. What really drives this film home is the chemistry between the actors. This chemistry between the actors gave space for excellent repartee. I loved seeing Tony Stark/Iron Man(Robert Downey Jr.) and Bruce Banner/The Hulk(Mark Ruffalo) bounding over scientific matters. I loved the bond between Agent Barton/Hawkeye(Jeremy Renner) and Agent Romanoff/ Black Widow(Scarlett Johansson). Not to mention how bad-ass they were respectively and more so when they joined forces. As expected Captain America and Iron Man got off on the wrong foot and it was pretty spectacular. It is always a joy seeing Thor(Chris Hemsworth) and Loki interact. That brotherly rivalry is one for centuries. Loki made one excellently flawed villain.  I was completely fangirling seeing all six of them( The Avengers) suit up and fight side by side during the final battle. It was beyond epic. That scene alone is worth the ticket price. The biggest surprise of the film for me is how The Hulk became my favorite character. He hands down is apart of two of the best scenes in the entire film. I will not spoil it for you but it was absolutely hilarious. Honestly, the entire film was wickedly witty.

The Avengers is not a fluffy popcorn movie. Of course there are explosions, eye candy to last a lifetime and superheroes trying to see who is the mightiest of them all but there is also substance(well executed plot) and heart. It is just flawless and perfect. Joss Whedon did us fanboys and fangirls proud. To sum it up The Avengers is an action packed joyride from start to finish.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Donald Sutherland and Liam Hemsworth
Director: Gary Ross
Written by: Gary Ross, Suzanne Collins and Billy Ray
Rating: 3.5/5 Unicorns

It has taken me little over a week to analyze my feelings about The Hunger Games. Honestly I did not know what I was feeling when I finished watching the film. All I knew is that I had a lot of feelings about the film. Some were positive and others where a little negative. Now I have come to realize that I was extremely disappointed with the film and that I did not like it at all. It was not a terrible film but in comparison to the books it was lackluster.

What I loved about the film was the casting, the casting and the casting. The casting of this film was fantastic. Jennifer Lawrence is Katniss. Josh Hutcherson is Peeta. Woody Harrelson is Haymitch. The list goes on and  on. I also loved the chemistry the actors had in the film. One of my favorite dynamics in the books is Cinna and Katniss. It was beautiful to see it being played out on the screens.No matter what people may say about Lenny Kravitz being miscast as Cinna he was a wonderful in the film. I found it interesting that in the film they made Haymitch and Katniss relationship develop on a faster scale than in the books. Not until Catching Fire does it appear that Haymitch is quite fond of Katniss. Regardless I enjoyed watching their relationship on the screen. I felt that the acting in this film was top notch, there was no wooden performances like in the Twilight films. The career pact were arrogant and obnoxious, I loved it. I fell in love all over again with Thresh, Foxface and Rue. The costume design was fabulous especially when it came to the look of the Capitol. From the clothes to the makeup it was spellbinding. The folks in the Capitol were exactly the way I imagined it while I was reading. The great thing about The Hunger Games being in film format was the ability to see what was happening in Panem above Katniss narrative. We got to see Haymitch lobbying with people in the Capitol for sponsorship. We got to see the Gamemakers orchestrating the games. We got to see people reactions in different districts  to watching the games . I especially enjoyed the uprising in District 11 which is a perfect precursor to the events the transpire in Catching Fire.

Now the things I had problems with were: the cinematography, special effects and the direction. Considering that Katniss became known as the "Girl on Fire" they could have done at better job with the fire sequences. It was almost laughable which I hate to admit. Since the film is a blockbuster hit, I am sure the studio will have a bigger budget for the next film. I did not like the choice of shaky camera work. It was hard to follow what was going on the screen and it made the film appear amateurish at times

I probably would have enjoyed the film more if I was not a fan of the books. After reading the books I had high expectations about The Huger Games and unfortunately  I was let down. I will still continue to watch the  franchise because I think the next films will be better than this one. Overall it was a good film and I enjoyed it but it just did not make me fangirl.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Top Three Picks

So last night I finally saw The Hunger Games after months of anticipation. As of right now I am still processing how I felt about the film. I will write a review on my upcoming post. There are three films that I do not need any more time processing how I feel about them. They are my top three picks to either rent or see at the cinema.
1. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I LOVED THIS MOVIE! I did not think I would when I first saw the trailers. I would admit that I did not like the Tim Burton adaption and the the thought of apes  uprising scared me. When I watched the film I became so attached to Caesar. You were really rooting for him which I found incredible.  I was so mad at the animal handlers and it confirmed my belief that animal testing is despicable. I recommend this film for anyone looking for a smart action packed movie. By the last 15 minutes you will be at the edge of your seat. Fantastic.

2. Midnight in Paris
Once again I did not think I would like this movie. I did not know much about the premise. It was on my to watch  list of Best Picture nominees. I was enchanted by this film. By far one of Woody Allen's  best film. The writing was fantastic and well deserving of the Best Original Screenplay award . It was an incredible film that should be on every one's to watch list.

3. 21 Jump Street 
I thought this was going to be another terrible TV show adaptation. When the reviews started rolling in I was intrigued. My sister really wanted to see it, so I came along with her to a matinee. I have never laughed so hard since when I watched Dirty Rotten Scoundrels for the first time back in September. The chemistry between Tatum and Hill is fantastic. Who knew Channing Tatum was so hilarious. He should continue to do more roles like this, he is a natural. Believe the hype, this film is one heck of  a ride.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Happy Hunger Games!

About two months I was introduced to The Hunger Games by one of oldest and most dearest friends. I had been hearing about The Hunger Games for awhile and I was always intrigued by the fandom. She told me to watch the trailer for the movie and once I did it became must see for this year. I really wanted to the read the books prior to the film release because I wanted to know what it was all about. When I began reading it one January evening at a Barnes & Nobles, I couldn't put it down. I had to purchase the novel instantly and read it in under 48 hours.

The most important lesson I learnt from reading The Hunger Games is never read the first book apart of a trilogy without having the other two books. It was tortuous waiting to find out what happened next. I just recently finished Catching Fire and my love for the books has only intensified. Mockingjay is next on my list. It is so refreshing to see a heroine like Katniss Everdeen and I am excited to see the beloved books come to life on screen. Hopefully Gary Ross(the director) does justice to The Hunger Games and from what I am hearing he has done a fantastic job. When I watch the film, I will write a review. I just hope I like it because I adore the books. I love Jennifer Lawrence and I know she will play a kick ass Katniss. One thing I do  know is I will not be ready to see some of my favorite characters fall before my eyes. When I finally watch the film, I will bring out a box of tissues. Lord help me.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Starring: Asa Butterfield, Chloe Grace Moretz, Ben Kingsley, Sacha Baron Cohen and Jude Law
Director: Martin Scorsese
Written by: John Logan
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

I am still on my quest to watch as many Oscar nominated films as possible. Hugo was high on my list on films that I had to watch. I will be the first to admit that Hugo did not strike my fancy when I first watched the trailers. All I knew was that critics were raving about the film and were worried that it would not find a large American audience. When it arrived in my mail( Netflix subscriber), I was still not sure what the movie was all about. I was not sure that I would even like the film. I soon learnt  how much a gift Hugo is to film lovers and it instantly became one of my favorite films released over the past ten years. I have watched several critically acclaimed  films that I thought I would love but didn't. Sometimes when you have no expectations is when movies really do leave a mark on you.

Hugo tells the story of an orphan boy ( Asa Butterfield) living behind the clocks at a train station in 1930s Paris. He is on a quest to fix an automaton given to him by his late father( Jude Law). He believes that the machine holds a message from his father. During his quest he befriends a shopkeeper( Ben Kingsley) and the shopkeeper's  adventure seeking goddaughter( Chloe Grace Moretz). The movie warmed my heart from the very first scene. The cinematography and art direction are out of this world and are well deserving of their wins at this year's Academy Awards. Honestly I completely understand why Hugo was nominated for as many Academy Awards as it was. I also understand why it won the awards it did. This film is so much more than its cinematography and art direction. Asa and Chloe are charming and delightful to watch on screen. Sacha Baron Cohen is hilarious as the Station Inspector. Scorsese did an incredible job bringing this enchanting story to life and reconfirming my love for movies. If you are someone who loves films, trust me Hugo is not only a wonderful treat  but a beautiful homage to the art of film-making.

Monday, February 27, 2012

And the Oscar Goes to...

So last night was the 84th Annual Academy Awards and I could not have been more elated. For some one who lives and breathes movies, the Academy Awards are the highlight of the year for me. From the glitz and glamour of the red carpet to the joy of watching your favorites take home the golden boy, there is a lot to look forward. I was looking forward to what the veteran host Billy Crystal would bring to this year's show. My favorite hosts have been Jon Stewart and Chris Rock but I admit that they are both a little crazy which makes some good TV. With that being said I thought Billy did a great job  but I was not floored by his performance. The best red carpet moment was The Dictator pouring ashes on Ryan Seacrest. I still can't believe that happened. It was a great TV moment but terrible at the same time. My favorite presenters by far were Emma Stone( could she be any more adorable) and Angelina Jolie( Bad Ass). I think I died a little bit when Jim Rash struck the same pose as Angelina. I remember thinking I would never had the confidence to strike a pose like that on TV and loving Angelina for doing it. Then Jim Rash just goes up and does the same thing, it was hilarious. Congrats to him, Nat Faxon and Alexander Payne on their well deserved win for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Descendants.

For the most part there were not too many surprises last night which is always a bummer. I still miss the days when Adrien Brody won Best Actor(wasn't that a magical moment?) and when Crash won instead of the favorite Brokeback Mountain. I like there to be a little mystery when it comes to the Oscars. As expected The Artist won big last night as well as Hugo. I was a little disappointed that Viola Davis did not take home Best Actress this year. Honestly, I had a feeling that it would be Meryl Streep this year. She just had a bigger momentum coming into the awards this year, so it was not such a big surprise. Congratulations are in order to the incredible Christopher Plummer for winning his first Academy Award( can't believe he has never won) , Gary Oldman on his first nomination.(yes he has never been nominated) and the lovely Octavia Spencer on her well deserved Best Supporting Actress win. In all it was a good night but was not a spectacular night.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Descendants

Starring: George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller and Nick Krause
Director: Alexander Payne
Written By: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash
Rating: 5/5 Unicorns

As apart of my Pre-Oscar ritual I like to watch as many Best Picture nominees as possible. I have been hearing a lot about The Descendants and from watching the previews the film didn't strike me as a film that I would love. I am glad to say that looks can be ever so deceiving.What I came to find out on Friday evening was The Descendants is a funny film with a dynamic group of characters and a whole lot of heart. If I had watched the film earlier it would have made it on top of my list of my ten favorite films of 2011.

The Descendants tells the story of Matthew King (George Clooney) a Hawaiian  land baron who tries to reconnect with his two daughters(Shailene Woodley and Amara Miller) when his wife is put on life support after a boating accident. Early on in the film Matthew learns that his distant relationship with his wife was in a worse state than he previously believed. Using the backdrop of "paradise" Alexander Payne tells a great human story; a story about loss, betrayal, connection and most importantly love. It is a film that everyone who has had experienced the heartbreak of life will be able to relate to. I am not someone who cries at the movies but this film made me teary eyed. The entire cast gave outstanding performances which was fueled by an excellent script. One of my favorite moments in the film was Matt looking at the pictures of his descendants. One of his relatives was named Cecil King( My father's name) and another was named Edward King(my brother's middle name).

If you have to see one movie that was nominated for an Academy Award this year I recommend you check out The Descendants. I really hope that they pick up some trophies on Sunday night  because it deserves that level of recognition.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

King's Guide Top Ten Films of 2011

We are officially two months into the year 2012 and the fresh crop of films arriving in multiplexes have left very little to the imagination. Seriously, I have been feeling disappointed during the previews these days. It seems like the same old recycled garbage. Hopefully as the months go by, better films will arrive. Even a lot of the movies that came out last year were disappointing with a capital D. There were a few bright spots  and I have composed a list of my ten favorite films of the year 2011. I know its a little late but better late than never. 
  1. Jane Eyre
  2. Bridesmaids
  3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
  4. Super 8
  5. 50/50
  6. Attack The Block
  7. Mission:Impossible- Ghost Protocol
  8. The Help
  9. Real Steel
  10. Thor
Honorable Mentions: X-Men First Class and Fast Five

Movies I think I would love that I have yet to see: Drive, Moneyball, Midnight in Paris, The Artist, Shame, Pariah, Hugo, War Horse, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Martha Marcy May Marlene,  and Tomboy

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bold and the Fabulous: King's Oscar Predictions

Tomorrow marks the climax of the award season; the 84th Academy Awards Nominations will be revealed. I admit that I have not been following the award circuit this year like I have in previous years Since I have not been too up to date I will only be predicting the big six categories. I believe that the silent film The Artist will have  the most nominations followed by The Descendants. There won't be too many surprises this year.

Best Picture:
The Artist
The Descendants
Midnight in Paris
The Help
The Tree of Life
Alternatives: War Horse; The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; Drive and Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy
Notes: There will be between Five to Ten films nominated for Best Picture. The top six are guaranteed to be nominated. I have a feeling that there will be seven films nominated for Best Picture.

Best Director:
Woody Allen- Midnight in Paris
David Fincher-The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo
Martin Scorsese- Hugo
Alexander Payne- The Descendants
Martin Hanazavicius- The Artist
Alternatives: Steven Spielberg- War Horse, Terrence Malick- The Tree of Life, Steve McQueen- Shame

Best Actor
George Clooney- The Descendants
Brad Pitt- Moneyball
Michael Fassbender- Shame
Gary Oldman- Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy
Jean Dujardin- The Artist
Alternatives: Leonardo DiCaprio- J. Edgar

Best Actress
Viola Davis- The Help
Meryl Streep- The Iron Lady
Michelle Williams- My Week with Marilyn
Tilda Swinton- We Need to Talk About Kevin
Glenn Close- Albert Nobbs
Alternatives: Rooney Mara- The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo, Charlize Theron- Young Adult

Best Supporting Actor
Christopher Plummer- Beginners
Albert Brooks- Drive
Jonah Hill- Moneyball
Kenneth Branagh- My Week with Marilyn
Nick Nolte- Warrior
Notes: I am certain that this will be the final list for Best Supporting Actor.

Best Supporting Actress
Octavia Spencer- The Help
Jessica Chastain- The Help
Melissa McCarthy- Bridesmaids
Berenice Bejo- The Artist
Shaileen Woodley- The Descendants
Alternatives: Carey Mulligan- Drive/Shame